- 443-518-7671
- attawayprograms@gmail.com
Sue Ann Shafley, J.D.

Sue Ann Shafley, Attaway’s Executive Director, has a diverse background in non-profit management including relationship cultivation with foundations, major donors, and corporate partners. She also has extensive experience in fundraising, grant writing, mental health and special education programming, coupled with investment banking, commercial real estate development, and legal experience. Ms. Shafley is exceptionally well-suited to lead Camp Attaway in this time of growth in our organization. She has spent over two decades advocating and fundraising on behalf of mental health and diverse children’s causes.
Currently, Ms. Shafley is focusing her efforts on expanding mental health programming for families and increasing and diversifying the organization’s funding stream in order to expand Attaway’s specialized programming for both children and their families. She is also working to secure a permanent site for Attaway.
Ms. Shafley serves on the executive team of the Leadership of Howard County’s Board of Directors overseeing all programming and also serves on the board of directors of the Association of Community Services (ACS). Ms. Shafley can be reached at shafley.campattaway@gmail.com or 443-518-7671.