- 443-518-7671
- attawayprograms@gmail.com
Free Caregiver Skills and Support Group
Learn Skills!
The skills and techniques addressed in these sessions are based on decades of behavioral research. In this group, we will focus on specific and practical skills and techniques to both better understand your child’s behavior and to decrease problematic behavior while increasing desirable behavior. Sessions will be interactive, involve role-playing, and include parent homework assignments to practice skills.
Get Support!
Additionally, as caregiver stress, burnout, and social isolation is common when your child has emotional and behavioral challenges, the meetings will also have a strong supportive component, where parents can share and support each other.
Dr. Noah Weintraub, who has over twenty years of experience working with children with disruptive behaviors and their families, is leading this important Attaway initiative. Additionally, Dr. Weintraub has experience running parent training and support groups in private practice.
There is no cost to participate in either the parent/caregiver general support sessions or the parent education workshop sessions.
Recommended Reading
Dr. Noah Weintraub leads a parent book club featuring a variety of books covering numerous behavioral and emotional challenges. For a comprehensive list of recommended books, which includes links to where they can be purchased on Amazon, click the image on the right.
At the next book club coming up in December, Dr. W will cover The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind.
Fall/Winter 2024 Schedule
Time: Wednesdays, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
September 25, 2024
Welcome and Introductions
October 9, 2024
Overview of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
October 30, 2024
Building Resilience in Children
November 6, 2024
The Problem-Solving Approach
November 20, 2024
Supporting Siblings of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
December 11, 2024
Attaway Parent Book Club: The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, by Daniel Siegel M.D. & Tina Payne Bryson
Where: Hybrid (In Person at HoCo NonProfit Center & Zoom- please contact Dr. Weintraub at drnweintraub@gmail.com to receive the link)
What Parents Have to Say
“The parent education sessions with Dr. Noah Weintraub have been FANTASTIC! They are completely different than the summer parent groups. I love the format; it’s set up more like a lecture with a PowerPoint that follows a handout. We cover “chapters” and different areas of focus which in turn generate tons of questions. While we are covering the psychology of our child’s behavior, we get to jump in and ask about the situations we find ourselves in every single day. The BEST part is that Dr. Weintraub is awesome at answering our questions like “So if he says this- what do I respond? And then he will definitely do this… so then what? ” He even role plays with us to show us what we should or should not be doing.
He gives REAL WORLD TOOLS and ways to handle even the most challenging situations. This is what I had been waiting for and what most of us so desperately need. I learned several things I’m doing wrong and how I am inadvertently reinforcing behaviors I am trying to stop. EEEK! He’s taught techniques that seem counter-intuitive and would never have crossed my mind. I’ve learned to change things I am doing to get my child to behave differently! I would HIGHLY HIGHLY urge any Attaway parents to attend these meetings. They are incredible and worth your time!!!”
– Attaway Parent Who Attended the Year-round Sessions