Season 2024: June 27 - July 18


Pre-Register for Camp

Parents: If you would like to be contacted about registering your child for Camp Attaway, please click and submit the pre-registration form. Note: Camp Attaway is only able to accept campers who reside in Howard County.

Target Population


Camp Attaway is a three-week summer day camp for children ages 7-13 with emotional and behavioral disorders. It is a place where children who know failure too well can break out of their negative cycles and learn new skills.

There is a screening process for each camper interested in registering for Camp Attaway. The screening process serves four major purposes:

  1. An opportunity for the parents to share their present concerns about their child’s development in the social, emotional and behavioral areas along with identifying their child’s strengths;
  2. To gather vital developmental and family history of the camper along with reviewing psychological, educational, psychiatric, neuropsychological, speech and occupational evaluation reports, as well as Individual Educational Plans;
  3. For parents to identify goals they would like Camp Attaway to address in working with their child;
  4. For the child to be interviewed by the camp director in helping determine whether Camp Attaway would be a good fit for him/her.

Tuition and Financial Assistance

Camp Attaway is firmly committed to meeting the needs of children and families regardless of their ability to pay for the program. Families who are able pay the full tuition, $2,550, for the three week camp; Other families may apply for our scholarship program making it possible for EVERY eligible camper to attend Camp Attaway.

Counselors in training (CIT) program’s tuition is $2,000.

"We are grateful for the scholarship that allows our child to attend."

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